The Victor A. Bressler Humanities in Medicine Retreat
Caring Communication Heals - Bringing Caregivers Closer
The Richard Stockton College of New Jersey • Carnegie Library • Atlantic City, NJ
Friday, December 10, 2010 Featuring Keynote Speakers: John L. Coulehan
Caregivers attending the 20th Annual “Bringing Caregivers Closer” will explore the role of ethical healthcare communication inspired by the arts and humanities which are vital to the healing process.
Panelists and breakout leaders include poets and writers, Renee Ashley
Breakout sessions involve reading, discussing and writing poetry and short prose pieces.
7:45 a.m. - 8:15 a.m. Registration & Continental Breakfast
8:30 a.m. - 4:15 p.m. Presentations
$20 to offset cost of meals (Includes continental breakfast & lunch)
CME's available for Physicians, Nurses, Social Workers, Marriage and Family Therapists, Licensed Professional Counselors and NJ Public Health Professionals.
Pre-registration required
Target Audience: Physicians, Residents, Nurses, Physician Assistants, Nurse Practitioners, Multi-Disciplinary Allied and Mental Health Professionals, Physical/Occupational Therapists, First Responders, Poets, Writers, Students of the Humanities and Public Health.
• Utilize a variety of approaches, including lecture, panel, small group discussion, review of literature
and personal writing to explore barriers and solutions in healthcare communication.
• Analyze poems, short fiction, non-fiction and personal writing to recognize their personal choice and responsibility to communicate ethically to foster healing communication.
Information and registration link, or call 1-888-569-1000
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