April 2, 2010

Poem a Day Prompts for Poetry Month

Lots of folks are posting poems and writing prompts online this month for National Poetry Month. National Poetry Month: Day 1 of Writing a Poem a Day

There's another April Poem-A-Day Challenge from Robert Lee Brewer on Poetic Asides.

Take a look at his guidelines and give a few a try - or tuck them away in your bookmarks for that day when you need some additional prompting.

Next month, participants can submit his/her favorite poems from April and Brewer will make an announcement of the top poems from the month and who the 2010 Poetic Asides Poet Laureate will be (and possibly a few other notes of recognition).

The prompt for day one was to write a lonely poem. The narrator could be lonely. Someone or something in the poem could be lonely. Or the poem itself could try to evoke a feeling of loneliness for the reader.

Brewer's own attempt for the day:


Wrap the world in cellophane and
tuck it behind Jupiter. Let
the sun forget that Earth ever
existed. Maybe then, I will
remember how to breathe again.

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