September 17, 2024

Small Presses - Exit 13 and Lips

Small presses and small publications are vital to the poetry ecosystem because they foster creativity, diversity, and community, enriching the literary landscape with voices and works that might otherwise go unheard. Small presses often take chances on new and emerging poets who may not yet have a substantial following or recognition. This helps bring fresh, diverse voices to the forefront.

Unlike larger publishers, which may prioritize commercial viability, small presses often focus on the artistic and literary quality of the work. This allows for more experimental, avant-garde, and niche poetry to be published.

Small presses tend to be more closely connected with local and literary communities. They often organize readings, workshops, and events that foster a sense of community among poets and readers.

Such is the case with two local poetry journals with which I have personal connections and that I would recommend poets consider for their poetry.

One is  Exit 13 Magazine, a travelogue in poetry, a reflection and a chronicle of the people and places encountered along the way. Since 1988, the emphasis has been on geography, travel, and the fertile ground of the imagination. 

The editor, Tom Plante, asks contributors to be patient as this is "a one-man operation with technical help from my wife and daughter. The magazine also accepts photos of “Exit 13” road signs which act as illustrations. There is no fee, though donations are welcome and you may subscribe at $15. Payment is one copy of the issue if a poem or photo is used. They are open to reading poems about your travels, adventures, and geographic experiences. The reading period is July through January and the annual issue comes out in late summer.  See for info

Another annual poetry magazine is Lips. Founded in 1981 by poet Laura Boss, Lips poetry journal has entered its fifth decade of publication. Laura served as its editor until her passing in April 2021. It is now financially supported by the Laura Boss Poetry Foundation. 

Lips has published narrative poems by Robert Bly, Allen Ginsberg, Ruth Stone, David Ignatow, Marge Piercy, Michael Benedikt, Nicholas Christopher, Anne Waldman, Ishmael Reed, Gregory Corso, Lyn Lifshin, Ted Berrigan, Paul Hoover, Jana Harris, Toi Derricotte, Joseph Bruchac, Alice Notley, Hal Sirowitz, Theodore Weiss, Alicia Ostriker, Maria Mazziotti Gillan, Stanley H. Barkan, Michael Weaver, Molly Peacock, and Richard Kostelanetz.

Submissions are open now through November 30. No fee.  See

By publishing works that may not fit mainstream trends, small presses contribute to preserving and promoting diverse cultural and literary traditions.

Editors at small presses typically have greater freedom to champion works they are passionate about, without the pressure of market demands. This can lead to a more personalized and dedicated approach to publishing poetry. 

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