August 17, 2024

Ready to Write With Steve Martin

“The real joy is in constructing a sentence. But I see myself as an actor first because writing is what you do when you are ready and acting is what you do when someone else is ready."  - Steve Martin

I'm not sure why Steve thinks of himself as an actor first and a writer second. Is it that he is just not ready to write? Does he need someone to get him working and that happens with acting?

As a film actor, we know Steve for ROXANNE, FATHER OF THE BRIDE, PARENTHOOD and THE SPANISH PRISONER. He is also the author of a varied shelf of books including the bestselling collection PURE DRIVEL, THE PLEASURE OF MY COMPANY: A NOVEL, has written several plays, including Picasso at the Lapin Agile and a highly acclaimed novella, SHOPGIRL. His work appears in The New Yorker and The New York Times. No poetry so far, but he will - when he's ready.

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